Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Obama and the taxpayer

If you like taxpayer (that means you) subsidies, Obama has already proposed:

-A plan to provide universal, cheaper health-care coverage, partly financed by tax increases on the wealthy (As yes, that great bottomless pit, the wealthy), joining the ranks of those willing to embrace a once-toxic political cause.

-Having the federal government (in other words, the taxpayer) pick up the tab to modernize the U.S. auto industry and for the health care benefits of the retirees of struggling American auto companies.

(excerpts from NY Times story:
-As a carrot to the industry, Mr. Obama would provide up to $3 billion to Detroit auto companies and their suppliers to retool factories to produce more fuel-efficient vehicles.
-If the companies invest in these vehicles, Mr. Obama also would offer the Detroit companies assistance in dealing with their burden of paying for current and retired workers’ health care expenses, estimated at $1,500 per vehicle.

-Having the federal government (in other words, the taxpayer again) pick up the tab for heavy subsidies of the liquid coal industry, even though it would actually ADD to greenhouse gases. (though the subsidy would benefit some businesses in his state eager to tap into the federal goodie bowl)
(Excerpt from NY Times story: Environmental groups are adamantly opposed, warning that coal-based diesel fuels would at best do little to slow global warming and at worst would produce almost twice as much of the greenhouse gases tied to global warming as petroleum.)

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